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Plaform Delaware


Belief in Small Government

I believe government is best when it governs least, and I have consistently voted against creating new taxes and fees or hiking existing ones.


As someone who has decades of experience owning and operating a small business, I understand the challenges local entrepreneurs face. CNBC’s 2024 America’s Top States for Business ranked Delaware 34th, a drop of 16 places from last year. Delaware’s Gross Domestic Product was the lowest in the nation last year, actually shrinking by -1.72%. I will continue to advocate to reduce the burden our state places on small businesses, which are our leading source of quality employment.

Reduced Regulations

I believe the regulatory power of state agencies needs to be restrained. Allowing agencies the unfettered power to make rules that carry the weight of law is an infringement on the rights of citizens, who have little input in the process or ability to impact it.

Refocusing Education, Protecting Parents’ Rights

I believe state government is more focused on advancing a radical social agenda than it is providing the solid, foundational education our children need to succeed. Misguided policies have made a mockery of school discipline, eroding the classroom environment and pushing frustrated teachers into other careers.


It's not surprising that Delaware public schools are struggling. Despite the efforts of dedicated instructors, the Department of Education’s Report Card shows that nearly 70% of Delaware public school students are sub-standard in math and nearly 60% are not proficient on English Language Arts. Our state is among the leaders in per-student spending, yet we are among the lowest in achievement. This is a fundamental failure we cannot afford to tolerate.


Improving our education system is essential to maximize the potential of our children and secure the economic future of our state. Parents need to be treated as partners in this process, not as meddling outsiders.

Legislative Performance

  • I have never voted to increase your taxes.

  • I have consistently supported your state and federal constitutional right to own and use firearms for hunting, recreation, and protection.

  • I have always opposed unnecessary government interference in the rights of property owners.

  • I believe public servants should be publicly accessible. That’s why I hold monthly constituent meetings, appear weekly on radio call-in shows, issue frequent district newsletters, and have an active social media presence

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